Bliss List
Next up, let's focus on creating a bliss list. This is a powerful exercise that allows you to reflect on what truly makes you happy. It's important to remember that this list should be about you and your own desires, separate from the expectations or desires of your spouse, family, or society. Take some time to think deeply about what brings you joy - both the big things and the small things. Consider activities, hobbies, places, or experiences that make your heart sing. This could be anything from going for a walk in nature, spending time with loved ones, indulging in a favorite hobby, or even simply enjoying a hot cup of tea in the mornings.
Once you have your bliss list, it's time to brainstorm how you can incorporate these sources of happiness into your daily life. How can you align your actions with your desires in order to invite more love and joy into your days? Start with the small things on your list and consider how you can sprinkle them into your daily routine. For example, if taking a walk in nature brings you happiness, you can schedule a few minutes each day to go outside and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world. Or if spending time with loved ones is important to you, you can set aside regular time in your schedule to connect with them, whether it's a phone call, a video chat, or even just a heartwarming message.
Now, let's talk about the bigger things on your bliss list. Think about activities or experiences that bring you immense joy but may require more time, resources, or planning. These could be traveling to a dream destination, attending a workshop or retreat that aligns with your interests, or pursuing a new passion project. While these bigger things may not be feasible to incorporate into your daily life, you can create a plan to sprinkle them into your weekly or monthly routines. Set goals and take intentional steps towards making them a reality. Maybe you can save up a certain amount of money each month towards your dream trip, or you can dedicate a few hours each week to work on your passion project. By taking aligned action and consciously making room for these bigger things, you are prioritizing your own happiness and love, and creating a life that truly inspires and fulfills you.